"Vision" - Alternative Education Provision Service

"Vision" - Alternative Education Provision

The Alternative Education Provision service is offered to local authorities where young people have not been able to access their education provision.  BDP are pleased to announce that we are on the "preferred provider" list for Cambridgeshire County Council.

These are normally as a result of emotional and behavioural difficulties but can be exasperated/complicated by diagnosed conditions such as ADHD or young people who have additional needs.

The focus of our work is to enable young people to reintegrate/access statutory provision as soon as possible.

To achieve this, work is based around building on positives and strengths, raising self esteem and self worth.

Young people are supported in reintegration and for a period of time, support can run alongside a part-time timetable so young people can be supported in their new education placement.

Young people are engaged in a range of educational activities including sports, where appropriate.